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Lori Lipinski
Coaching Credentials
Professional Certified Coach (PCC)
Phone Number
Lori Lipinski is a high energy Certified Executive and Retirement Coach and Management Consultant with over 30 years of experience working with people in nation-wide organizations. Lori’s leadership coaching and consulting experience includes working with Federal/Provincial/Municipal Governments and Educational and Health Institutions; the Private Sector including Mining, Energy/Oil and Insurance Companies; and various organizations in the Non-Profit Sector. While holding a variety of Human Resource management and leadership positions in the federal public sector, Lori has collaborated with executives and their teams to enhance organizational and individual performance through improving activities of strategic planning, engagement, consultation and establishing internal and external partnerships. In leading large-scale organizational transformation and transition initiatives, Lori has developed expertise in establishing national multi-disciplinary projects and teams involving numerous stakeholders. As a certified Retirement Coach, Lori brings an understanding of the complexity and challenges of career transitions, including the transition from the workforce to retirement. With an appreciation of individual context and preferences and with the help of individual assessments, Lori can help individuals create their ideal retirement. Lori stands in service to human beings, with a sincere interest in seeing people succeed. Using a coach approach, Lori partners with people to access their inner-knowing to reach their maximum potential and acts as their ‘thinking partner’ navigating complex situations to find optimal solutions and discover new possibilities. Her focus is to work with people to identify opportunities and achieve business, personal and retirement goals. Lori holds a Masters degree in Human Resource Management from the University of Regina, is a Certified Executive Coach (Royal Roads University); an Associate Certified Coach (International Coaching Federation); Certified Retirement Coach (Retirement Options); Licensed Facilitator Coaching Out of the Box® and a Certified Facilitator EXPEDITION Coaching® . Lori has previously served as a Board Member for the International Coach Federation, Saskatchewan Chapter for four years.
Areas of Practice
Leadership, Executive, Retirement, Career